i have two divs. one is absolutely positioned to be centered. in the center of the page.

i have a div inside it. i need it to be positioned absolutely but not centered like the first div. here is a screenshot of what i have:
(see atachment i guess? does anyone know how to fix it so its over the frame in the center and not being cut off? (it used tobe absolutely centered like the bigger div but it would overlap at the top because the two images arent the same porportions

search google : relatively absolute positioning

no i dont know how i alreayd searched it doesnt make snese to me

so as your english to me..

Have you tried using z-index? How come you can't just add a few pixels to the "top:" of the inner div to move it down a bit? Will it just cut off the bottom?

absolute is exactly what you put it at, so I would recommend z-index to bring forward what you want on top.

Then I would add margins to bring the things down an padding to bring the text in, further more did you add size and width to what you want displayed or are you just letting it auto assign?

Try adding a size and width this usually will solve it. If it doesn't play with the margin and padding to position it in and out.

If you need you can send me your code and I will fix it for you so you can see what I mean.

Have you tried using z-index? How come you can't just add a few pixels to the "top:" of the inner div to move it down a bit? Will it just cut off the bottom?

i think z-index will solve this, make z-index bigger for the top <div>

.topdivname {
   z-index: 5;
.underdivname {
  z-index: 1;
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