I recently bought the Marcomedia Studio MX 2004 package and would like a basic understanding of using the Flash & Dreamweaver packages.

I have no clue how to go about designing sites in Dreamweaver & producing some simple flash programs. ANy help would be greatly appreciated.

I am very familiar with Photoshop, Freehand & Fireworks.

There are some tutorials for flash in the Help menu if I can remember well. I think its also the case for Dreamweaver.

cool nice post ill check that noob place out. I can always use a touch up also hehe

When you get skilled with dreamweaver, it can become a powerful web design tool.

Check out www.flashkit.com for some great tutorials and FLA's to download and dissect to learn from.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the info. I have tried to learn as much as i can and can say i have begun to get the hang of flash, though Dreamweaver still is a handful.

Is there like a really simple Dreamweaver for Stupid Dummies tutorial or better still a step by step guide to designing a website with Dreamweaver MX

Cheers & Thanks once again

If you are a visual learner a good place is www.lynda.com.

They have some really good video tuts out there (of course, for a small fee).

please contact me at krazykilla6@aol.com and I will be more than happy enough to teach you all you would need to know in this given senario.

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