I am having a wordpress blog. I would like to make it moblie complaint by installing a suitable plugin or some other method. Now when i try to view it in mobile itz showing either "too big url" or "status code 413"
So I would like to fix it ..
Thanks in advance...

which plugin do you use? i tried once view my site directly in my mobile without installing any plugins, it works fine.

this non-link(copy n paste with appropriate editing of the yoursite string) may assist in developing for mobile without paying data charges on the mobile
there are any number of user-agent detector scripts that can be used to redirect to a subdomain for mobile browsers,

iconized images to display on tiny screens
high contrast for poor lcd

which plugin do you use? i tried once view my site directly in my mobile without installing any plugins, it works fine.

Actuakky the problem is not in viewing the website.But actually I wanted to monetize it through google adsense for mobile content.

this non-link(copy n paste with appropriate editing of the yoursite string) may assist in developing for mobile without paying data charges on the mobile
there are any number of user-agent detector scripts that can be used to redirect to a subdomain for mobile browsers,

iconized images to display on tiny screens
high contrast for poor lcd

Sorry If the questio is wrong.
I couldnt find how to make it mobile compliant.
But it was just displayed in a mobile simulator ..right?

If you set that link to your site, and it displayed yes

mobile visible does not mean mobile compliant does not mean mobile optimized
the site may look "intersting (translation bad)" on a mobile iiifff
it has a fixed body width that is wider than the mobile screen
it has a fixed font size that cannot be altered to suit the screen resolution
w3c accessibility http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/ and
w3c mobile layout, http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/
overlap so building an accessible site works (mostly) on a mobile
WorPress is mostly accessible, so is mostly mobileable

The Constraints
The main limitation of a handheld device is the small screen, which may also lack a mechanism for horizontal scrolling. Input is often with a stylus, not a mouse. Downloading to the device is likely to be both expensive and slow, the processors are slow, and the memory is limited. A lot of users may therefore choose to turn off in-line image loading.

Now, what do these limitations imply for the designer?

Design one column layouts and avoid floats.
Optimize your HTML by using efficient, semantic markup and CSS.
Minimize the use of decorative images, avoid relying on images or plug-ins for navigation.
Write good alternative text for images.
Avoid dynamic effects that specifically require a mouse or keyboard for navigating.

set taborder on navigation controls
ems % sizes, no fixed fonts, no fixed anything,
large images with style @media handheld {img.large { display:none;}} <img class='large' width='400' height='800' src='toobig4mobilescreen.jpeg' /> or a browser detection script that loads the same dabase info into a simpler layout for mobiles
hope the emulator helps,
data charges while testing a page sux hugely

If you set that link to your site, and it displayed yes

mobile visible does not mean mobile compliant does not mean mobile optimized
the site may look "intersting (translation bad)" on a mobile iiifff
it has a fixed body width that is wider than the mobile screen
it has a fixed font size that cannot be altered to suit the screen resolution
w3c accessibility http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/ and
w3c mobile layout, http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/
overlap so building an accessible site works (mostly) on a mobile
WorPress is mostly accessible, so is mostly mobileable

set taborder on navigation controls
ems % sizes, no fixed fonts, no fixed anything,
large images with style @media handheld {img.large { display:none;}} <img class='large' width='400' height='800' src='toobig4mobilescreen.jpeg' /> or a browser detection script that loads the same dabase info into a simpler layout for mobiles
hope the emulator helps,
data charges while testing a page sux hugely

Again my question has not been satisfied.
I have tested that all the wordpress blog look well on mobile.
I want to implement ADSENSE FOR MOBILE CONTENT in my blog.
That's not possible with just changing the layout,I suppose!!.
So how can I do it?

@poster-follow almostbobs advice on the adsense issue...on sizing try using a single table structure and fit ur elements in a single row...did a site not long ago and that worked

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