Hi! I read that IE 8 accepts child selectors. But it does not seem to work for my IE8 (Spanish version if this even matters).

#div > p{background-color: blue;}
<div id="div">
<p>Shoud work here!</p>
                <p>and not here</p>

It works for firefox and not for internet explorer. What could be happening?

Hi! I read that IE 8 accepts child selectors. But it does not seem to work for my IE8 (Spanish version if this even matters).

#div > p{background-color: blue;}
<div id="div">
<p>Shoud work here!</p>
                <p>and not here</p>

It works for firefox and not for internet explorer. What could be happening?

What DTD are you using? Might require STRICT mode.
But if you are working in a strict document than it will mean it doesn't support direct child selector syntax.

But this is a highly effective workaround - try this.

<style type="text/css">
            #div p{background-color: blue;}
            #div div p{background-color: transparent;}

IE sometimes gets confused when you name a class or an id using a tag name.

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