I have been TRYING to figure out what font this is, as I really want to use it on my site. (I am talking about the font used for the article titles, in this case, "Free Markets, Free Muslims). But I have scoured the CSS and can not figure it out. Also, when I right click the font, after selecting it, I get an Adobe Flash Player 10 dialogue... is it possible they are using flash to render the font. If so, how, I have never heard of that? Particularly since I can select and copy the text like normal.


If the titles are showing up as Flash, then it's probably done with either sFIR or possibly Cufon. And yes, they are rendering the text with Flash, and Flash does allow you to select text.

great info! I had never heard of sIFR but I checked it out and am floored. Will be implementing on my site soon...

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