Hey People,

I have a quick question which i think is pretty simple but just wanna chack with you guys.

Im creating a site called www.mobilefantastic.com. The client also owns mobilesfantastic.com and mobilefantastic.co.uk. www.mobilefantastic.com is the domain where the content will be, but i want to set up an automatic divert so if someone was to miss spell the domain as mobilesfantastic or mobilefantastic.co.uk, they will automatically be sent to www.mobilefantastic.com.
Does that make sense?

Thanks a lot

Im creating a site called www.mobilefantastic.com. The client also owns mobilesfantastic.com and mobilefantastic.co.uk. www.mobilefantastic.com is the domain where the content will be, but i want to set up an automatic divert so if someone was to miss spell the domain as mobilesfantastic or mobilefantastic.co.uk, they will automatically be sent to www.mobilefantastic.com.

If understand you, you whant to redirect mobilesfantastic.com and mobilefantastic.co.uk to mobilefantastic.com.. What you have to do is to put on both pages code which is bellow with some sensible message

<meta http-equiv= "Refresh"
      content   = "2; URL=http://www.mobilefantastic.com">

Content is time in seconds

or other option

<script type="text/javascript">
function delayer(){
document.location = "../javascriptredirect.html"
<body onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', 5000)">
<h2 >Prepare to be redirected!</h2>


setTimeout works in clicks where 1sec=1000 clicks so in this case delay is 5 sec

your hosting provider should allow you to do it in your domain configuration settings.

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