I am trying to build a website for my husbands business, does anyone know any good ways to go about doing so... building one using our own pictures and what not? Either going about doing it ourselves, or using a website from online.

What would you like the site to do?

I would start by searching "domain hosting."

We pretty much all do,
all built at least our own sites, this is technogeek heaven,
tecsheaven's thought is the pplace to start
look at a hosting package, get a domain name appropriate to your business, myname.com
many hosting packages have built in support for website layout tools, downloadable desktop programs
built in templates
there are a bunch of WYSIWYG layout tools
my cheap n nasty host provides a huge quantity of software bundled in the package and off their control panel page
MS Office has frontpage, but it expects MS programs, does not always work in other people's pc, but if you already have Office then try it out
There are thousands of websites devoted to free and paid website templates, that you just put your text and images into,
thousands more sites devoted to free and paid web design software to let you start from nothing and chose how your site looks
or you can oldschool it and write your own html in any text editor,
strange but nobody seems to want to do that much,


I want to encourage you to ask questions. Did you find what you needed? I hope you did not feel as though you were bing brushed off, but there are so many ways to produce a website, and so may different functions for a website, that your question was too broad for us to answer easily here. When you think you have found a host, post the name here, and tell us what functions you expect your site to serve. I would be glad to give you my input (as would others).

There are three basic levels of site management:

1) You learn and write code like HTML, CSS, Java Script, etc. and transfer the code via FTP. Even pros keep this to a minimum - not recommended for you.

2) You get what is called a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) program. This type of program has tools like MS Word. As you create the site visually, it creates the code in the background and most even manage the file transfers for you.

3) Hosting sites often offer tools to create your page(s) online. This would be a great way for you to start because it is very user friendly. The downside is that you will likely have a limited set of templates to choose from. Having said that, you can be up and running in a few hours.

There are lots of ways to build websites, including software you can install on your desktop, online website builders, etc. You can even use MS-WORD to create a page then SAVE AS HTML page. However the code generated this way is not as clean as it should be.

If you need a basic, text focus site in HTML, consider Adobe Dreamweaver. If you prefer no coding and just want a quick site done, you can consider A4Desk Site Builder. You can find out more about these website builder on Wiki at:


What you are asking has many answers, there are frameworks of website you can choose from.

Are you from the Philippines? Kikay is a somewhat a "slang" term in the Philippines I just don't know if there are translations in other languages.

If ever you have questions regarding this just PM me here!

Well………..If you want to build your own website then you have to be knowledge about web designing skills. Learn the concepts of PHP and HTML languages and also knowledge about Adobe Dream viewer software. You can design your web site in JAVA and ASP.NET languages. The Designing of the sites is mostly based on these two languages.Its an interesting process and obviously technical also…first of all clear your designing skills then you can design your website easily.

ignore asp

a personal perspective

Take a look at this Content Management System Concrete5
It is easy to use and free for the core package.

There are lots of ways to build websites, including software you can install on your desktop, online website builders, etc

it is not that easy, try some free tutorials os begin with free blogs like blogger meaby...

hi..1st you have to install web site designing software in your computer and make a web design and you should do admission in the known college you also can watch online web designing tutorials..


Build a site could have 2 meanings:
1.Design and code it.
2.Promote it.
For me, the first option is too simple...promoting it is hard...but you get experience thru anything, so just learn :)

How'd you like a quick and easy way to build a website that was FREE, beautiful, looked professional and required NO LEARNING of html, css, javascript, php, etc.?

Sounds like one of those unbelieveable tv ads, huh?

Well, it's true. There is a very popular (though little-known for most of us) content management system called Joomla, that costs nothing, lets you build a website in minutes, not hours or days and looks great.

Take a look at these sites I built with Joomla -
www. Web-Professor. com
www. CompuSolver. com (has some videos with more info!)
www. CastelloProductions. com

Hosting companies like OK-Joomla-Hosting.com offer automatic Joomla installation and full Joomla support.

I agree with the CMS method. Open Source, you have a number of choices, but Joomla and Drupal are the most popular two.

They require some technical knowledge to set up, but the communities which develop them are very helpful and will see you through difficult patches. If you pass on what you've learnt, then the process is maintained - helping others will yield help for yourself.

These Content Management Systems have lots of 'extensions' or 'plugins' to perform popular tasks, like mass-mailing or embedding video into pages, so you can learn in manageable chunks - once you have a core site. By providing feedback, developers can improve how effective they are, so when you use an extension - feedback any issues as it helps the developers and often they will customise the tool to work for you. Open Source is a community, so the more you put in, the more you get out.

Find out more at Joomla.org or Drupal.org. I personally use Joomla more often, but they're both high quality and will allow you to continually update and maintain your content. Something that's very important when it comes to building traffic on your site.

I am trying to build a website for my husbands business, does anyone know any good ways to go about doing so... building one using our own pictures and what not? Either going about doing it ourselves, or using a website from online.

Use CMS. For a beginner like you, Wordpress is very handy & easy to use. There's a lot of SEO-friendly plug-ins & nice theme designs too. For an advance user, Drupal & Joomla is good. It has a powerful security structure but I don't like Drupal much regarding the database structure because it consume much space/tables.

Make your life easy and use a host that will install a base for you to start with. I say base because a website could be made from scratch like mom's apple pie with homemade icecream or you could get some of the parts premade. ie buy the pie crust get the filling from another place and just make your own icecream.

My favorite platform (base) to start with is Joomla so I would look for a host that will get it installed for you. Open source and extreamly easy to get the basics of your site up and going Joomla is a great place for you to start. There are lots of free templates you could use and lots of functionality you can setup with little to no programming knowledge.

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