hello there
I have a website here:
Its easier to explain my problem by viewing the website, once it loaded up click on photo gallery in the navigation bar, then when the small image loads up, click it.
This is my problem - once the small image is clicked a large image should eventually be displayed - what i want to do is create a preloader for the large image.
the problem is all images are stored on a server and linked to by a database. Flash communicates with PHP (which grabs all necessary info out of the database i.e. in this case the location of the image on the server).
I have a function, in which the image location (php gets this information from the datbase) is loaded into a loadMovie object/holder:
n.htmlText += imageHolder.loadMovie (this["Image"+e]);
when the function is called flash communicates with a PHP script and grabs the necassary info - in this case the image location (something like images/pic.jpg) that is displayed in the 'Image' table in the database is displayed.
the same method is used for the displaying the large image too, when the thumbnail is clicked the same function is called and the large image is displayed in the same way.
can i use a preloader for the large image?
can anyone help here im totally lost
My second question is this:
on the home page of my site, you should see 3 paragraphs of text. This test is taken from a database and displayed in a dynamic textfield. Is it posssible to take a single word from that text and create a link on it??
Again, the same function is used to display the content from the database, this is a snippet where the content is loaded in the function:
n.htmlText += this["Content"+e];
The problem is that each paragraph is taken from the database in one go, i.e. the code above handles the first paragraph. Is it possible to create links on a single word in that paragraph??
Please help im totally stuck!!!
I hope that my post made sense - any questions just ask.
regards Jonathan