Is it possible to use two backgrounds in one div?
One of the background picture would be bottom-up corner, and another drift all div...
On both the overall picture will be posted on the text. Thus, pictures may not be on a different div

I'm not really sure what you trying to say, CSS 3 will allow for multiple backgrounds, but im sure we can find a work around. Perhaps a screenshot would be very helpful

It may helpful for you, if my understanding is correct.

        background:url(../images/logo.jpg) #EFDDF;

This will apply the backgroud image and remaining space will be filled with the color.

Well nkdweb,

You are mistaken cause the background image will repeat. To do accomplish what you attempting to do you would have to do the following

background:url(../images/logo.jpg) no-repeat #EFDDF;
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