Hi Guys.
Please help! I give up! I don't see the answer for my problem anywhere!
It's quite difficult to explain so please bear with me:
I'm designing a website which contain 5 main (parent) pages (index.thml, catalogue.thml, etc.). Each page have NAVIGATOR, embed <iframe> in the "center" and the FOOTER. In this way I can quickly update the website by updateing only the content of <iframe> document, without copying NAVIGATOR and FOOTER to every single page (especialy when the website will have 100+ pages).
Everything is working fine. When the user is clicking on something within the <iframe>, it's opening in "_self" target on the same - parent page. Nice.
When the user will click on any link within the <iframe> using "OPEN IN NEW TAB" or "OPEN IN NEW WINDOW" the browser will open new tab/window ONLY WITH THE <iframe> CONTENT, without the parent site. It looks stupid, as there's no navigator, footer, just a plain document from the <iframe>.
Is there any way to allow the user to open a new tab/window from <iframe> to display the parent site along with the desired link from <iframe>?
What do I want is:
inside the site we have
which contain
frame.html contain link to the site, let's say, *contact_us.html*
On "normal" click *contact_us.html* would replace *frame.html* within the parent_site.html and that's ok
when the user want to open a new window/tab by clicking on *contact_us.html*, he will see just a plain *contact_us.html* file, without the parent site.
I want a new window/tab which will contain parent_site.html with *contact_us.html* in <iframe>.
Is there any hope to do it?
I don't want to end up with editing +100 pages just to add new button to the navigator.
I'm sure that someone can come out with some idea from your owm experience.
Thanks for all sugestions,
P.S. I think I can do it by using PHP but I'm more like graphic designer than website designer and PHP is rather a black magic for me.