Hey Guys,

I have a thin image that I would like to repeat-x for my footer. So far I have had no luck....not sure what the problem is. I am using wordpress so the footer is in a "footer.php". I am using the wordpress get footer to retrieve the footer, although it is not showing up right. No matter what I do I am having issues.

I want to repeat the image horizonally 100% (expand with browser)

Here is my footer.php code (basic, just needs to work):

         <div id="footer">

<!-- END FOOTER -->


And here is my css file (need to make the background image repeat-x):

#footer {
	width: 100%;
        background:url(../images/footer_bg.jpg) 0 100% repeat-x;

Would this be the proper way of doing this? If not please help me out, I would greatly appreciate it! : )

Thank You!

It may be a syntax problem. try:

#footer {
	width: 100%;
        background:url('../images/footer_bg.jpg') ;

commented: JRM Rocks! He has helped me many times! +1

Thanks JRM,

You are always very helpful! Unfortunately that didn't fix the issue, fortunately I found the problem....I was just dumb and set my body width opposed to setting a container/wrapper. It has been a long weekend, again thank you very much for the prompt response : )

- Drew

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