I am having a problem with a div in my page which is set to floating on right side which works good in Chrome but in IE and firefox its not showing properly. Here is the link and the css code is

#sidebarsms {

Please help me as soon as possible thank you :X

1. How should it be floating?

2. Unwanted opinion: the popout menu is not good; users need bigger buttons and text, so they know where they are going w/o hovering over e/t.

1. How should it be floating?

2. Unwanted opinion: the popout menu is not good; users need bigger buttons and text, so they know where they are going w/o hovering over e/t.

I am not getting what do you want to say:-/

I think he means what are you expecting the sidebar to do. It looks fine to me in IE8, but again, not sure where you are expecting it to be. When I viewed it, it was just to the right of your main content.

Also, the second time I clicked to view your site, it took me there fro a second, then took me to another site. Is this what's suppost to happen?

Personally I hate going to site and then getting whisked away to another site.

I think he means what are you expecting the sidebar to do. It looks fine to me in IE8, but again, not sure where you are expecting it to be. When I viewed it, it was just to the right of your main content.

Also, the second time I clicked to view your site, it took me there fro a second, then took me to another site. Is this what's suppost to happen?

Personally I hate going to site and then getting whisked away to another site.

Ya it is supposed to be on right side of the content but its having problem in firefox and you get which side and from clicking which ling please tell me

Again, I checked it in IE8 and Firefox and dont see the problem. Noth browsers are floating the sidebar to the right of the main content. I tried a link as well and it worked. You might need to be more specific about what you see as a problem. Capture a screenshot of how you think or want it to look, then we can compare it to how it looks now.

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