Not sure if this is the right place for this, but here we go.
Basically I would like to get back into building websites, but I have no idea which dev tools to use. I haven't built a website for about 5 years ago and then I was using Microsoft front page (mostly because it came with my computer). I'm not sure if this was any good but I got on with it fine.
Basically, I would like some advice on where to start and what programs to buy (or better, download for free). I know some HTML and my only requirements are that the program be simple enough to use initially but allow the scope to develop my skills further. Ideally I would like to be able to incorporate forums and secure logins into my websites eventually. Also a something a bit more visual than just a preview would be advantageous (WYSIWYG sorta thing), although this is not necessary.
Hope someone can help here,