I'm not sure which forum this question belongs in. Hopefully this is a good place. If it is wrong maybe a moderator could move it.
I want to take one of my web pages and 'stick a post-it' on it.
Or that's what I want it to look like. As though I had just slapped a post-it on it.
And if that can't be done I'd like to know it, from authoritative sources such as the programmers and developers in these forums. Then I'll stop trying.
Failing that I wonder about the idea of building a whole page from scratch in a sort of post-it way.
Thinking that from scratch allows starting off with a suitable methodology where trying to 'slap something' onto a traditional, normal webpage might be not possible.
Something like putting areas (rectangle, square, circle, whatever) down onto that page wherever, willy-nilly and slapping more on and more on until it is full, some obscured, partly obscured... like that.
Kinda really treating the page area the way we physically treat our desktops...
These areas need only be text areas. Good if they could contain graphics but text would be a good start.
Seems to me it is simply not possible to do it or anything like it.
Unless everything is a graphic, everything is a picture. then I'd have to map the picture to get functionality.
Guess that's what they do with games. Areas of the graphic mapped... mouseover and mouseclick start an event....
With that in mind perhaps there's software available nowadays to make preparing such screens quick and easy? And even open source freeware to do it?
If so I'd like to know.
Failing special software what would be the way to go for this effect now, with what we've got?