I'm looking to register a domain name and I don't want any "add-on" services. "Back in the day" it was much more straight-forward, as you could only register a DN from a couple of organizations, but now there's such a plethora of sites that offer registra services that I'm finding it a bit confusing. Any recommendations for a site(s) where I can just getting the DN I want registered? Also, how long does a typical registration last, or is that variable now as well? Assistance would be greatly appreciated! :)


As for choosing a domain name service to use to register your domain, I rather not recommend any particular one. Many different answers will come from different users, depending on their own experience with any particular service. Best is, to look out for reputable companies, where you know you can feel comfortable. The problem is, that in order for you to be able to manage your domain name and DNS, some of the "added services" on offer may be quite usefull.

As for the how long it lasts question, it is normally renewable yearly, or some will give you longer renewal options.

Hope this helps.

I am also looking for a Domain Name Registrar with no extras. I don't need the technical support and I know how to set up my server exactly how I want. I'm currently using a free .co.cc domain until I can find a good one. The service .co.cc provides is pretty much what I want but I want a more known extension (.co.uk).

Thanks for taking the time to reply Kraai, very much appreciated.

...Many different answers will come from different users, depending on their own experience with any particular service...

Can't argue with that sentiment! :)


I use pairNIC. The rates are reasonable and they don't try to push undesired add-ons. Their web hosting counterpart, pair.com, offers competitively priced packages that follow the same principle.

The rates that pairNic offers looks a bid steep to me, imho. They are almost double the acceptable going rate. If I can suggest a choice, here is a list of ICANN registered domain registars to follow up on, scroll down for the list.


Thanks for the reply, Kraai. It seems I've been misled. Thanks for the link. I think it just may answer a question I posted here a little while ago regarding .org domain names.

Get the premium domain names from the website whoisxy.com instantly.Give the key word or name ,so that option will be given to you.From that select the domain names.For cheaper rate get domain names from tutail.com also.Domain names can be registered for 1 year and after that you can extend the period.

Hi, yes at whoisxy , it is good to register domain...here domain privacy is given as free..

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