I am spacing out some text in my "footer". What I am wondering is... is there a better/more efficient way to add spaces than using 35" "'s?? seems to me like there has to a better way... haha thanks in advance for your input :)

The letter-spacing property, margin, or padding.

Regards, Arkinder

ok wait, You are spacing each letter? or each word? or paragraph? You're not clear on that. If you have a link or your code that will help too.

Yes w3c school help you tom solve out your problem and they can also help you to learn html, css, php and other language.

I appreciate all of your replies. great forum here!
I have been teaching myself for a year now html, css, php, js, mysql. and I just got signed up for an associates program in web design. I just wasn't sure of an alternative I could use in place of all these " " lol.
spacing the words.. its a footer and on the left i have copyright info, then in middle i have designed by "", and on right i have email. here is my code:

<div id= "footer">
				Copyright &#169; 2011
				Design By John A. Doe

Using &nbsp; like that would only make it align correctly for the screen size you're viewing on. One thing you could do is wrap each part in it's own <p> tag and use CSS to set them all to the top of the div that they are already in then set each one's alignment.

Like this:

<div class="footer">
  <p style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%; text-align: left">&copy;Copyright 2011</p>
  <p style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%; text-align: center">Person McPerson</p>
  <p style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%; text-align: right">email@address.com</p>

hey i'll try that, tyvm for your response. much appreciated :)

worked great.. thank you all very much for your input! :)

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