
I have searched for css applcation to a menu.My need is to have a menu that sya for example: has menu items option1,option2,option3.
on clicking the option1 the page should be loaded with option1 now not clickable.Is that possible?

Requesting you concern and consideration
I remain


I not sure you can do it with client-side script, but it is fairly easy when using server-side scripting like asp and php.

I not sure you can do it with client-side script, but it is fairly easy when using server-side scripting like asp and php.


Yesterday I was just playing with the css file that i unknowingly tried to create #active_menu in the css file and changed the link visited and hover efect.It is working fine now.precisely i added the following too
#active_menu {
color: #C41301;

But the color changes of the clicked menu only, it is still clickable.Is it possible to make it static.YOu mentioned about some php side. I am using mambo where menu managment is itself done differerently i believe.

requesting you help and wishing you a nice day and great time

Thanks for concern, I remain


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