Is there a way to make a string variable in "normal" html (that is, not inside of a <script> tag)? I want to do something like

<a href=""+Number+".html">my link</a>

Is this possible?



I'm not aware of support for this outside of scripting, with the emerging exceptions of certain things in HTML5 (like client side storage). I presume the CSS spec may one day evolve to support things like mixins, but we'll have to wait awhile for those things to be well defined, supported, and widely available to a substantial set of browsers.

Is there a way to make a string variable in "normal" html (that is, not inside of a <script> tag)? I want to do something like

<a href=""+Number+".html">my link</a>

Is this possible?



You need PHP for this. HTML cannot analyze data; it can only display it.

echo '<a href="'.$Number.'.html">my link</a>';

Thanks all. I thought this might be the case, but I thought I'd double check.

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