i have a problem in <textarea>. i dont know how to ask the question. but can give the example what i need

for eg if i want to add
The secret of pay per click lies in choosing the right keywords for your potential customers to use when they are searching for your product.

However, choosing the right keyword is the important and difficult point to be considered in this process"

above words in form , and click submit button.
all the infomation got o databse
but when i try to retrive i get the information as
The secret of pay per click lies in choosing the right keywords for your potential customers to use when they are searching for your product. However, choosing the right keyword is the important and difficult point to be considered in this process"

i wont see the space . between product and however . it is mixed.what i have to do to get as it is i entered. i hope you understand my problem.i am using php for the site i am making

A textarea should be multiline by default. Can you copy / paste the php code where you throw what's in the textarea into the database?

article Body</b>
<br><b>Allowable Tags:</b><br>&lt;b&gt;, &lt;strong&gt;, &lt;i&gt;, &lt;em&gt;, &lt;u&gt;, &lt;br&gt;, &lt;pre&gt;, &lt;blockquote&gt;, &lt;xmp&gt;, &lt;ol&gt;, &lt;ul&gt;, &lt;li&gt;<br><textarea rows="25" name="body" value="<?echo $body;?>" cols="65" wrap="physical" ><?echo $body?></textarea>

this is the html form

this is the php part where i through into the database

$insert = "INSERT INTO tempsubart ( catageory,title,
keywords ,name ,email
VALUES ('$cat','$title','$summary','$body','$bio','$regdate','$key','$name','$email'
$a=mysql_query($insert) ;?>

Your problem *I THINK* appears to be with the wrap="physical" part of your HTML code. Have you tried ditching it and seeing what happens? Also, your textarea doesn't need a value="" attribute since the value is placed between the <textarea> </textarea> tags.

Also, I'm not sure if this was a mistake copying the code or if it's an actual bug, but you have $body=$_POST['body;]; where you have 'body; instead of 'body'

thanks i tried using striptags started working.thanks for ur help

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