Hello people

I have been learning HTML/CSS and PHP for some time now, I am getting alot better with the coding side of things and I am slowly developing.

I am now geting to the point where I can do the coding side and layout in CSS but the pages I produce are very basic from the graphical point of view.

I really need to learn web graphics so I can produce logos and graphical elements of a web page but I dont know where to start. I have very little experience with graphics software and would like some advice about where to start learning this online. Has anyone got any site which has beginners tutorials which are step by step.

I know its a big ask but any advice would be appreciated


I use GIMP, Flash and Photoshop, find every tutorial i need from YouTube. You can use the GIMP site for tutorials but i find YouTube is best. A few youTube channels that might help: Gimp- GIMPtricks , Photoshop - photoshopmama or iceFlowStudios . . . cant help much with flash cause I'm searching for the right channel

you can download full site open the index deamweaver then see the port which is the connection css apply that same thing work your website.

Practice makes perfect. Spend as much time testing and learning and take some tutorials and you will slowly get better. The more time spent the faster you will learn.

Hello people

I have been learning HTML/CSS and PHP for some time now, I am getting alot better with the coding side of things and I am slowly developing.

I am now geting to the point where I can do the coding side and layout in CSS but the pages I produce are very basic from the graphical point of view.

I really need to learn web graphics so I can produce logos and graphical elements of a web page but I dont know where to start. I have very little experience with graphics software and would like some advice about where to start learning this online. Has anyone got any site which has beginners tutorials which are step by step.

I know its a big ask but any advice would be appreciated


you have to learn CSS ,HTML and for graphics photoshop and flash is best option for this pupose.

you have to learn CSS ,HTML and for graphics photoshop and flash is best option for this pupose.

I know CSS and HTML and am looking for good tutorial sites where they have step by step illustrated tutorials in designing website in photoshop and converting them the CSS and HTML.

I am a programmer not a designer

Hello people

I have been learning HTML/CSS and PHP for some time now, I am getting alot better with the coding side of things and I am slowly developing.

I am now geting to the point where I can do the coding side and layout in CSS but the pages I produce are very basic from the graphical point of view.

I really need to learn web graphics so I can produce logos and graphical elements of a web page but I dont know where to start. I have very little experience with graphics software and would like some advice about where to start learning this online. Has anyone got any site which has beginners tutorials which are step by step.

I know its a big ask but any advice would be appreciated


If you want to be a web designer then visit w3school. It will teach you CSS and HTML.

You can take the help of youtube and some graphics websites.

hey, you have already got some good suggestions here but I would also recommend deviantart for tutorials there are really talented designers on there and most will be happy to help! another place is ndesign-studios they have step by step tutorials for drawing graphics in photoshop/ illustrator I did it the other way around studying graphics and web design first and then development..not a good plan most of my designs were unrealistic for my level of programming for ages but I got there and so will you, good luck!

I had the same dilemma a couple of years ago, so that lead me to study Visual Graphics Design.. it really helps a lot. and one thing more, you can buy magazines and try to copy color schemes and design your own. download brushes for your photoshop, learn vector.. buy a pen tablet. and just design.

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