
NewB to CSS and have a background image set to show up on my html pages, and so it does...

body {
font-family: "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;
background: #bbb url(../imageshtml/page_background.jpg);
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

This currently happens to all of my html pages, BUT I don't want it happen to one of them. I want one of them to have a different background image but I don't know how to give this one html page a different background image or make it an exception.

I tried adding a <div id="privacy"> </div> to the exception html page, both inside and outside of the <body> </body> tag.

Then in the CSS file I had this...

/* ===== Privacy Policy ===== */

div#privacy {
background: none;


div#privacy {
background: url(../imageshtml/page_background2.jpg);

Nothing I do seems to be working.

Thanks for any help you can give!


Why don't you just give the body an id? Only call the id on the pages that you want the background.

#background {
background: #bbb url(../imageshtml/page_background.jpg);

Hi MagicMedia,

Much thanks for your reply.

Your response makes sense in theory :) what would that look like?

<body id="background">

body#background {
<!--add background code goes here-->

Much Thanks for your help!


MagicMedia you legend! It worked. Thanks Much!


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