I have tried everything to get the text to wrap around the youtub video, spent hours trying to figure it out. I have multiple websites where there is no problem?

Can anyone help me please?
Dean Brennan


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<p>Welcome to the home page of the Culture Company Reading4U Incorporated – CCR4U. 
  Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa! We invite you to share in our work of bringing cultures together through repeat reading aloud one-on-one and in a group in our public libraries. In this way we achieve three main goals.</p>
<p>  1. Expanding our language experience<br />
  2. Building and sustaining our communities<br />
  3. Recycling our resources more efficiently</p>
<h2>Why repeat read aloud?</h2>
<p>From birth, in order to learn our own language and our own culture we follow and copy (repeat) those people who parented us and who took care of us. Repeating in a relaxed and loving environment is a natural way for us to learn. By repeating (following,copying) we develop a world view to carry us through to adulthood. As adults the need for us to learn about the world we share with others doesn't stop. Nor does our need for caring for each other.<br />
<p>CCR4U has discovered that when we repeat read aloud with others from different languages we re-discover our dynamic caring world, hearing its call for us to continually learn and grow. Repeat reading aloud together as adults allows us to strengthen our communication skills in the same relaxed, loving environment that enabled us to grow when we were kids.<br />
<h3>Repeat reading aloud for community<br />
<p>1. Reading together gets us sitting next to each other, cooperating together in a fun, easy, relaxed way. When we repeat read aloud together, one-on-one, we come to understand each other better, building the skills we need to sustain our communities. We need to be together to learn from each other. We can repeat without speaking the same language!<br />
  2. Reading aloud gives us the opportunity to experience the different accents, the diverse body languages, the many cultures etc. we have in our local communities.<br />
  3. Reading aloud together one-on-one allows for cultural translation, at least as useful as verbal translation.<br />
<h3>Repeat reading aloud for language development</h3>
<p><br />
  4. Repeat reading aloud with another enables the language learner to be in the 'driver's seat', to initiate the learning.<br />
  5. Expands the reading experience: listening skills, vocabulary, colloquial understanding, pronunciation...<br />
  6. Repeat reading aloud gives us shared access to the countless authors and illustrators who are the real teachers and masters of our cultural heritage and language.<br />
  7. Reading stories aloud, especially picture books, gives us a shared view to context language.</p>
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I have tried everything to get the text to rap around the youtub video, spent hours trying to figure it out. I have multiple websites where there is no problem?

Can anyone help me please?
Dean Brennan


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<p>Welcome to the home page of the Culture Company Reading4U Incorporated – CCR4U.
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa! We invite you to share in our work of bringing cultures together through repeat reading aloud one-on-one and in a group in our public libraries. In this way we achieve three main goals.</p>
<p> 1. Expanding our language experience<br />
2. Building and sustaining our communities<br />
3. Recycling our resources more efficiently</p>
<h2>Why repeat read aloud?</h2>
<p>From birth, in order to learn our own language and our own culture we follow and copy (repeat) those people who parented us and who took care of us. Repeating in a relaxed and loving environment is a natural way for us to learn. By repeating (following,copying) we develop a world view to carry us through to adulthood. As adults the need for us to learn about the world we share with others doesn't stop. Nor does our need for caring for each other.<br />
<p>CCR4U has discovered that when we repeat read aloud with others from different languages we re-discover our dynamic caring world, hearing its call for us to continually learn and grow. Repeat reading aloud together as adults allows us to strengthen our communication skills in the same relaxed, loving environment that enabled us to grow when we were kids.<br />
<h3>Repeat reading aloud for community<br />
<p>1. Reading together gets us sitting next to each other, cooperating together in a fun, easy, relaxed way. When we repeat read aloud together, one-on-one, we come to understand each other better, building the skills we need to sustain our communities. We need to be together to learn from each other. We can repeat without speaking the same language!<br />
2. Reading aloud gives us the opportunity to experience the different accents, the diverse body languages, the many cultures etc. we have in our local communities.<br />
3. Reading aloud together one-on-one allows for cultural translation, at least as useful as verbal translation.<br />
<h3>Repeat reading aloud for language development</h3>
<p><br />
4. Repeat reading aloud with another enables the language learner to be in the 'driver's seat', to initiate the learning.<br />
5. Expands the reading experience: listening skills, vocabulary, colloquial understanding, pronunciation...<br />
6. Repeat reading aloud gives us shared access to the countless authors and illustrators who are the real teachers and masters of our cultural heritage and language.<br />
7. Reading stories aloud, especially picture books, gives us a shared view to context language.</p>
<p><a href="index.html" title="Back to Top" target="_self">Back to Top</a></p>
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<li><a href="contact.html" title="contact" target="_self" class="holder"> Contact Us</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.charities.govt.nz/Home/tabid/92/Default.aspx" title="Charities Commission Registration number CC230006" target="_blank">Charities Commission Registration number CC230006</a></li>
<li><a href="mailto:info@reapeadaloud.co.nz" title="© repeatreadaloud.co.nz 2011" target="_self">© repeatreadaloud.co.nz 2011</a></li>
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<p>Welcome to the home page of the Culture Company Reading4U Incorporated – CCR4U. 
  Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa! We invite you to share in our work of bringing cultures together through repeat reading aloud one-on-one and in a group in our public libraries. In this way we achieve three main goals.</p>
<p>  1. Expanding our language experience<br />
  2. Building and sustaining our communities<br />
  3. Recycling our resources more efficiently</p>
<h2>Why repeat read aloud?</h2>
<p>From birth, in order to learn our own language and our own culture we follow and copy (repeat) those people who parented us and who took care of us. Repeating in a relaxed and loving environment is a natural way for us to learn. By repeating (following,copying) we develop a world view to carry us through to adulthood. As adults the need for us to learn about the world we share with others doesn't stop. Nor does our need for caring for each other.<br />
<p>CCR4U has discovered that when we repeat read aloud with others from different languages we re-discover our dynamic caring world, hearing its call for us to continually learn and grow. Repeat reading aloud together as adults allows us to strengthen our communication skills in the same relaxed, loving environment that enabled us to grow when we were kids.<br />
<h3>Repeat reading aloud for community<br />
<p>1. Reading together gets us sitting next to each other, cooperating together in a fun, easy, relaxed way. When we repeat read aloud together, one-on-one, we come to understand each other better, building the skills we need to sustain our communities. We need to be together to learn from each other. We can repeat without speaking the same language!<br />
  2. Reading aloud gives us the opportunity to experience the different accents, the diverse body languages, the many cultures etc. we have in our local communities.<br />
  3. Reading aloud together one-on-one allows for cultural translation, at least as useful as verbal translation.<br />
<h3>Repeat reading aloud for language development</h3>
<p><br />
  4. Repeat reading aloud with another enables the language learner to be in the 'driver's seat', to initiate the learning.<br />
  5. Expands the reading experience: listening skills, vocabulary, colloquial understanding, pronunciation...<br />
  6. Repeat reading aloud gives us shared access to the countless authors and illustrators who are the real teachers and masters of our cultural heritage and language.<br />
  7. Reading stories aloud, especially picture books, gives us a shared view to context language.</p>
<p><a href="index.html" title="Back to Top" target="_self">Back to Top</a></p>
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<li><a href="mailto:info@reapeadaloud.co.nz" title="© repeatreadaloud.co.nz 2011" target="_self">© repeatreadaloud.co.nz  2011</a></li>
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	font-size: .9em;

/* ===== #table#browserAccess ===== */ 

table#browserAccess {
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table#browserAccess th {
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table#browserAccess td {
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table#browserAccess thead {
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table#browserAccess thead th {
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#version {
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#activateAccesskey {
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table#browserAccess tr:hover {
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table#browserAccess thead tr:hover {
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/* ===== #mainContent div.bioContainer ===== */

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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent  div.bioContainer h1 {
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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent  div.bioContainer p {
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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.flowchart img {
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/* ===== #mainContent div.pdfContainer ===== */

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/* ===== #mainContent div.pdfKeteContainer ===== */

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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.pdfKeteContainer h1 {
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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.pdfKeteContainer p {
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table#pdfKeteContainer caption {
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/* ===== #mainContent div.resourceContainer ===== */

.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.resourceContainer {
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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.resourceContainer h1 {
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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.resourceContainer p {
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table#resourceContainer caption {
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/* ===== #mainContent div.manualContainer ===== */

.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.manualContainer {
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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.manualContainer h1 {
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.twoColHybRtHdr #mainContent div.manualContainer p {
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table#manualContainer  caption {
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/* ===== #footer ===== */

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#footer li a.current,#footer li
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#footer a {
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/* ===== .floats ===== */

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.clearfloat { 
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.holder {

I hope this is better?

I have put alin="left" inside the object youtube html which has brought the text up but there is no margin-right: 8px; which leaves it looking untidy, can you help me please?


<div class="fltlft">
    <object align="left" width="300" height="243">
      <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AR1dluVi8bw&amp;hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6" />
      <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
      <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
      <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AR1dluVi8bw&amp;hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="243"></embed>


.fltlft { 
	float: left;
	margin-right: 8px;

Looks good in Dw until you go live view?

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