
I have a client who is very keen to user the blue, square twitter "t" on his website to link to his twitter feed. He says (correctly) that "Thousands of sites have it" so it must be ok.

However, when I look on http://twitter.com/about/resources/logos its not shown.

Is it ok? I have read the TC on that link and it looks like it isn't - or am I missing something?

Would be greatful for any thoughts on this.



•Manipulate the logos unless necessary due to color restrictions (for example, black and white)
•Imply sponsorship, endorsement, or false association with Twitter, Inc.
•Use the Twitter bird as a spokesperson to carry your logos or messaging (for example, your logo next to or being carried by the bird).
•Use anything other than the most current versions of the Twitter logos.
•Use any other artwork from our site without explicit permission.
•Create your own buttons or marks using our logos.
Other Things to Know about the Twitter Trademarks
The Twitter name, logo, Twitter T, Tweet, and Twitter bird are trademarks of Twitter, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Please do not use the Twitter marks in your avatar or business icon. Please remember to capitalize the T in Twitter and Tweet! For further information about use of Twitter’s name and trademarks, please contact trademarks at twitter.com.

depends whether you think twitter legal dept will eventually trace incoming links for permitted usage
Not a risk I would take either, if the client insists get them to sign a release absolving you from responsibility for their choice

thanks - I feel that's the correct line - since posting I emailed trademarks at twitter.com and got this reply:

This is no longer a correct asset, so please use only what's available on our site.

which seals it for me!

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