Hello world,

1. I am building a website to list universities worldwide by majors and countries. To do that I have a page containing name of countries - say 50 countries.

2. Let's say, from the list you clicked, Australia, it will then take you to a page containing list of Engineering majors - say the number is 15.

3. Now say, you clicked "Aerospace Engineering" in the list. The link will take you to a page containing, say, 15 Australian universities that offer Aerospace Engineering.

Now, comes my question. My very little knowledge about web dev tells me, I have to create 50 x 15 x 15 pages and link them, means, creating 11250 pages! I am sure people came across to this sort of problems long time back and now it already has a very well known solution. So what are the solutions I am looking at?

Many thanks for your kind replies!

Hello world,

1. I am building a website to list universities worldwide by majors and countries. To do that I have a page containing name of countries - say 50 countries.

2. Let's say, from the list you clicked, Australia, it will then take you to a page containing list of Engineering majors - say the number is 15.

3. Now say, you clicked "Aerospace Engineering" in the list. The link will take you to a page containing, say, 15 Australian universities that offer Aerospace Engineering.

Now, comes my question. My very little knowledge about web dev tells me, I have to create 50 x 15 x 15 pages and link them, means, creating 11250 pages! I am sure people came across to this sort of problems long time back and now it already has a very well known solution. So what are the solutions I am looking at?

Many thanks for your kind replies!

Although I'm not yet good in making large databases, I want to share my idea on your post. :| You don't have to create 11250 PAGES, you talking about a static website. Try making a dynamic website. You need to create a dynamic page that list all 50 countries, 1 result page that list the major courses that is offered on that country, 1 result page for the list of universities of that offers that particular course. My idea is just sort of a draft for you.


More like 3 page by dynamic pages that are created on the fly by php querying the database. I would set up a table for each of the selection criteria. Table 1 Countries, Table 2 Majors by country, Table 3 Universities including country and majors.

The code is not that difficult to write however there are a million example out there. See if you can find a copy of the PHP cookbook. It give your excellent code examples that you can simply adjust for your needs.

Thanks for the right direction. After few google and wiki, I understand, the solution is learning Mysql for database and PHP for dynamic website. Am I on the right track?

Although I'm not yet good in making large databases, I want to share my idea on your post. :| You don't have to create 11250 PAGES, you talking about a static website. Try making a dynamic website. You need to create a dynamic page that list all 50 countries, 1 result page that list the major courses that is offered on that country, 1 result page for the list of universities of that offers that particular course. My idea is just sort of a draft for you.

hi if i understod you well , you want to find out how to link those sites togather ?

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