I have a form (dont we all! LOL)
It's in a table (sigh)
The table has 4 rows <tr> and 2 columns
Each row has a <fieldset> containing multiple <labels> and various types of input fields (input, selects, radio, check)
The CSS formats the labels to appear above the input fields
The problem:
I want two label/input fields on the same line. If I use a <tr><td> to accomplish this, the <tr> terminates the the <fieldset>
<label class='column' id='labcity' for='ajcity'>City:</label><select id='ajcity' name='city'></select>
<label class='column' id='labcounty' for='ajcounty'>County:</label><select id='ajcounty' name='county' class='required'></select>
font-size: 10px;
color: blue;
margin-bottom: 0px;
display: block;
border: 1px solid orange;
padding: 6px 6px;
- Is there a way to extend a <fieldset> around multiple <tr> rows?
- How do you get multiple labels/input combos on one line?
(I'm trying to get state and zip on one line with labels above the inputs)
You can view the form here