I am converting a Photoshop image to HTML and need the images to show but the text not to and I see both. I also only see the image when placed in HTML and not when in CSS.

Please post your code so we can help


@charset "utf-8";
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padding:10px 0 0 10px;
padding:10px 10px 0 0;


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    <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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    <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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    <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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    <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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    <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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Please edit your post and put your code into code tags so it can be read more easily.

Let's see - unless there's a version I'm not aware of, Photoshop is an image program - therefore any text in the image is IN the image and cannot be removed by css. Also, assuming the html page and the css page are in the same directory - '/image/' points to a different place than 'image/'

Let's see - unless there's a version I'm not aware of, Photoshop is an image program - therefore any text in the image is IN the image and cannot be removed by css. Also, assuming the html page and the css page are in the same directory - '/image/' points to a different place than 'image/'

No, not text in the image. HTML for the image. I removed the / from the image and it still only shows when I have the image in HTML.

Sorry - misunderstood. First, is the css and the html document in the same directory? and second - in the css try


It's a subtle difference, but sometimes that's what it is.

I tried something different but now the text shows up and the images are off.

<title>ABC Automall</title>
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            <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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            <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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            <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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            <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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            <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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            <h2> <a href="#">2002 Chevy Ultra Longname R-15F $12,995.00</a> </h2>
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                    Lorem ipsum dolor my nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolor magna aliguam erat voluptat. Ut wisis enim ad minim veniam.</p>
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			<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="108" height="1" alt=""></td>
<!-- End Save for Web Slices -->

Sorry but I am completely confused - exactly what text is showing up that you don't want to see??

This is an example of what I am meaning:

<div id="header">
<h1 class="title"><span>ABC Automall</span></h1>
<h4 class="address"><span>LOCATED AT: 5575 Douglas Avenue | URBANDALE, IA 53022</span></h4>
<h4 class="phone"><span class="type">Sales:</span> (888) 555-5555</h4>
<h4 class="phone"><span class="type">Service:</span> (888) 555-5554</h4>
<div id="navigation">
<nav>Home | New Cars | Pre-Owned | Specials | Research | Service/Parts | Finance | Locations | About Us | Contact Us</nav>

Sorry it still doesn't mean anything - the HTML you have used as an example means that you will have text on your webpage as that is what you have coded.

simplypixie is correct - all we're going to see is the text that is coded on the page.

So what - exactly - are you trying to do?

Member Avatar for stbuchok

Please try to show a screenshot or something. A picture is worth a thousand words, so far, yours haven't been very clear.

Please try to show a screenshot or something. A picture is worth a thousand words, so far, yours haven't been very clear.

I mean I need to see the picture only.

I can't open the file - how about a jpg?

But if you only want to see the image - then use the image inside the element and no text.

Exactly as I said before - you have text in your HTML so you need to remove it if you don't want to see it or comment it out

You are using

<div id="header"> 

while you have written header class in css:
background:url(/images/mockup-2_02.jpg) no-repeat;
in this case you should use <div class="header"> </div> instead of <div id="header"></div> so browser can understand and render the header div with background.
Thats all what i have understood.

To all you guys trying to help Jahanas (OP),

Reading between the lines, this is the scenario:

  • OP has used Adobe ImageReady (not Photoshop I suspect) to slice up a screenshot, and used the "Save as HTML" option to save a <table>...</table> structure plus corresponding individual image slices. I have done this myself in the dim distant past.
  • OP has then very inexpertly attempted to add his own HTML with, I suspect, the intention of selectively replacing the image slices with HTML markup. Some of what he has added is within the <table>...</table> tags but not within a <tr><td>...</td></tr> structure and will therefore render outside the table.
  • I haven't tried to penetrate the OP's CSS but it can only be to support his own HTML markup. I can only imagine that his use of a background-image is intended to allow markup to overlay an image in one or more table cells.

The OP needs to be encouraged into learning how HTML table/tr/td tags work. Until he grasps this he will not progress.

In a rare foray away from the Javascript/DHTML/Ajax forum

OP has used Adobe ImageReady (not Photoshop I suspect) to slice up a screenshot, ...

Sorry, my bad. ImageReady was discontinued in 2009. Its functionality was apparently migrated into Creative Suite 3 and/or Photoshop so what the OP says may well be correct.

I won't be throwing my old copy of ImageReady away. Although I don't use it often, it still works fine and is invaluable for image slicing and preparation of animated gifs.


OP has used Adobe ImageReady (not Photoshop I suspect) to slice up a screenshot, ...

Sorry, my bad. ImageReady was discontinued in 2009. Its functionality was apparently migrated into Creative Suite 3 and/or Photoshop so what the OP says may well be correct.

I won't be throwing my old copy of ImageReady away. Although I don't use it often, it still works fine and is invaluable for image slicing and preparation of animated gifs.


Nor will I.

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