I have code below and want to modify it in order to place all the images to the edges of div. The problem is, I cannot align bottom images correctly however top edge images are fine. It should be cross browser compatible though.
Thanks in advance
#imgleftttop{ float: left; vertical-align: top; }
#imgrighttop{ float: right; vertical-align: top; }
#imgleftbottom{ ??????????? }
#imgrightbottom{ ??????????? }
<div style="width: 300px; height: 300px;">
<img id="imglefttop" src="block_top_left_edge.png" />
<img id="imgrighttop" src="block_top_right_edge.png" />
<img id="imgleftbottom" src="block_bottom_left_edge.png" />
<img id="imgrightbottom" src="block_bottom_right_edge.png" />