dantheman50_98 0 Newbie Poster

Hi There,

I'm in a bit of a conundrum over the menu structure on a new site of mine.

Here's the main menu:

Home | Shop | About Us | Blog | Contact Us

Under Shop are the following subpages:

Introduction | Technical Info | Reviews

Under About Us are the following subpages:

Our Story | Our Commitment | FAQ

Each of these submenus is going to be displayed on their parent pages (Shop and About Us), but I also wanted to have a drop down for each of these in the main menu. However, the shop submenu doesn't seem as though it'd look right in a drop down. But I can't make the About Us drop down, and not the shop - as this would seem a bit inconsistent to me.

So, how would you approach this? Would you abandon the drop down menu altogether? I'd rather not, as the faq and guarantee pages are quite important and I'd like them to be as easily accessible as possible without having them in the main menu.

Thank you,

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