currently, I am implementing a background image - a red curly banner in my page

    background:url(image/curly-banner.png) repeat-x;
    background-position	:	bottom;

now what my problem is that I want the overflow content above the banner has the red background also.
I tried:

    background: red url(image/curly-banner.png) repeat-x;
    background-position	:	bottom;

but this change the whole background to red. Is it possible to put the color red for the content above the banner but not bottom?

    background-repeat: repeat;

I think you miss my point. I am done with the background image. The current problem is to put the background color of the background image only to top of it but not bottom of it.

Hi, well it will definitely help more if you have a live version of the site so I can have a look at it.

you could also do it like this.

    background-image: #ff0000 url("image/curly-banner.png")left bottom repeat-x;

First of all, is your png a transparent one? Did you specify a height? Padding?

I'll test it for you. Just supply me with more information.

It's like having a problem with your car, you cant say, it doesn't work and expect the mechanic to give a reason when he hasn't looked at the whole engine yet.

So post your script or post a link to the site.


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