
When you have a chance, can you pls take a look at the html code and let me know why there are empty space in the browser?

I spent hours. still no luck.



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<TD VALIGN = 'TOP'> <a href="http://www.hutbazar.com/" target =_blank><font color = "#0000FF"  size = "3" face = 

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"verdana"><b>Deshi Greetings</b> </font></A><br><b>Phone:</b>+880-2-8711316<br><b>Email:</b><A HREF = 
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                    </TABLE><!-- START TAG-->

that means if i run the code in IE browser, at the bottom of the browser, i see lot of empty spaces.


Change your table 'border=0' to 'border=1' so that you can see what's going on. Add units to all of your height attributes instead of letting the browser decide for you. Fix the following problems:

line 22 column 1 - Warning: <table> attribute "height" lacks value
line 22 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 22 column 1 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
line 25 column 1 - Warning: unknown attribute "allowtransparency"
line 24 column 1 - Warning: <iframe> isn't allowed in <tbody> elements
line 29 column 1 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 37 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 38 column 1 - Warning: <br> isn't allowed in <tbody> elements
line 38 column 1 - Warning: <br> isn't allowed in <tbody> elements
line 41 column 1 - Warning: <td> unexpected or duplicate quote mark
line 41 column 1 - Warning: <td> attribute with missing trailing quote mark
line 41 column 1 - Warning: <td> attribute "valign" has invalid value "width="
line 48 column 1 - Warning: <td> attribute "valign" has invalid value "center"
line 53 column 41 - Warning: <a> unexpected or duplicate quote mark
line 97 column 29 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 91 column 28 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 85 column 29 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 80 column 29 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 75 column 29 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 70 column 29 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 65 column 29 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 60 column 29 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 53 column 2 - Warning: missing </font> before </td>
line 40 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 112 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected </td>
line 113 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected </tr>
line 114 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected </table>
line 120 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 125 column 7 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 130 column 13 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 130 column 13 - Warning: <table> proprietary attribute "height"
line 138 column 19 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 143 column 53 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 153 column 68 - Warning: trimming empty <span>
line 153 column 49 - Warning: replacing unexpected b by </b>
line 153 column 44 - Warning: missing </b> before </td>
line 152 column 2 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 161 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 164 column 2 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 169 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 171 column 1 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 175 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 177 column 2 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 180 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 182 column 1 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 186 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 188 column 2 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 191 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 194 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 196 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 197 column 16 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 201 column 19 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 206 column 53 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 220 column 1 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 224 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 227 column 2 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 230 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 233 column 2 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 236 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 238 column 2 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 241 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 243 column 2 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 246 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 249 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 254 column 4 - Warning: missing <tr>
line 265 column 15 - Warning: discarding unexpected </tbody>
line 270 column 13 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 278 column 19 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 280 column 21 - Warning: trimming empty <tbody>
line 126 column 9 - Warning: <strong> isn't allowed in <tbody> elements
line 125 column 7 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <table> elements
line 294 column 84 - Warning: discarding unexpected </strong>
line 299 column 7 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 303 column 13 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 305 column 15 - Warning: <br> isn't allowed in <tbody> elements
line 305 column 15 - Warning: <br> isn't allowed in <tbody> elements
line 313 column 44 - Warning: missing </font> before <a>
line 313 column 44 - Warning: trimming empty <font>
line 313 column 1 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 313 column 131 - Warning: discarding unexpected </font>
line 313 column 139 - Warning: discarding unexpected </a>
line 332 column 19 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
line 332 column 19 - Warning: <br> isn't allowed in <table> elements
line 332 column 19 - Warning: <br> isn't allowed in <table> elements
line 343 column 116 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 336 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 348 column 104 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 336 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 358 column 23 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 354 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 362 column 61 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 354 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 367 column 110 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 354 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 382 column 22 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 372 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 396 column 98 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 391 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 401 column 106 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 391 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 406 column 101 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 391 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 416 column 22 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 411 column 19 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 422 column 112 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 411 column 19 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 427 column 105 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 411 column 19 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 451 column 2 - Warning: missing </a> before </td>
line 446 column 1 - Warning: plain text isn't allowed in <tr> elements
line 298 column 7 - Warning: missing </div>
line 120 column 1 - Warning: missing </table>
line 16 column 1 - Warning: missing </div>
line 25 column 1 - Warning: Attribute "frameborder" not supported in HTML 4.01 Transitional

Let me go line by line. then get back to u.


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