hey frnds...m designing a website...n want to add a small comment box for visitors....plzz let me knw which scripting languages allow me to do so, except php as m nt comfortable wid it.....:(


to add a comment box itself, html will do.
as for handling the text, java, javascript, ...
there are lots of ways out there to get that done.

ohkk...that means jsp will do my work then...thanks:)

If you want to get really simple, there are simple solutions that will do this for you. Solutions like http://www.htmlcommentbox.com/. That doesn't require any coding and is not very flexible, but if you don't want to learn a programming language, that should do well.

commented: according to OP's programming skills, this is definitly the best suggestion! +1 :) +6

You will get script from disqus comments its best comments session box for blog or website.

If you want to place a comment box on your website, JSP will be more than enough keeping in mind that you've to store all of the comments for future use.

If you do not want an amazing one, Disqus is pretty good!

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