What are some incites you have for me to create this site?
I would like to create a website which would allow users to submit an essay. Their essays would be in a timed-environment, and hence, the site should have a countdown timer, which I heard is very heard to implement.
The site should be aesthetically very pleasing, intuitive, and scalable to do more things.
Already, I've registered a domain name, but I haven't gotten it hosted yet. I have no clue which programming language, scripts, etc. to use, or how to go about doing it.
I've heard .ASP and about .PSP, and I'd like your opinion for stability, ease of use, and scalability.
Do you think that godaddy or bluehost is better at hosting this dynamic site for me?
Finally, I heard that wordpress.org has many tools that I could use. How do I test it out? another words, where do I download the compiler or whatever it is that I'll need to play around with it?