I embeded 3 mp3 files into my website, to play when the user clicks "play". While this works fine in IE, in Chrome, they all start playing when the site is launched. Even though my code says "


Here is the code I am using:

<embed src="aharddaysnight.mp3"width="140" height="40" autostart="false" loop="FALSE"></embed>

Please check out the url with chrome to see what I mean:

Thanks a lot!

Ok in my browser Dragon that is based on chrome your controls dosen't work at all I think you have a mistake in you html css or javascript if you post your code it will be easier to spot the error Thank you

This is my html code:

 <div class="audioSamples">
                <dl class="mpThree">  

                 <dt><embed src="aharddaysnight.mp3"width="140" height="40" autostart="false" loop="FALSE"></embed></dt>
                 <dd class="songTitleOne">A Hard Day's Night</dd>

                <dl class="mpThree">  

                 <dt><embed src="help.mp3"width="140" height="40" autostart="false" loop="FALSE"></embed></dt>
                 <dd class="songTitleTwo">Help</dd>

                <dl class="mpThree">  

                 <dt><embed src="eleanorrigby.mp3" width="140" height="40" autostart="false" loop="FALSE"></embed></dt>
                 <dd class="songTitleThree">Eleanor Rigby</dd>


My css for the code is just margins and paddings, basically.


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