I am going to design a mobile website.Can anybody tell me what factors should i keep in mind while designing mobile website...:)

Make sure the site fits... make sure the effects work on your site.... like sliders, menus, etc.
You should read a book about this stuff :)

Thnx pritaeas..Really its very helpful for me....:)

But which size is sufficient for site???

Actually that will be the part of responsive design. If you done everything then it should be look fine in any size all depend on how you style them. You may need a few media queries to achieve different view from different size. For example, viewing the site from ipad/iphone vertically or horizontally may have different layout.

Good resources. Thank you guys..

Thanks for the iphonetester.com link. that will be helpfull. I am starting to include work on sites that require both desktop and mobile targets.

As mobile is also used as Searching and hiring for business services So if your Website not have feature to open with mobile browser then May loss those oppportunities . I have not enough Knowledge about topic But have link for you http://EzineArticles.com/7039529 .

for responsive design twitter bootstrap will be pretty nice

The world is moving in a fast pace towards the mobile web browsing the upcoming internet platform.The mobile web designing makes the web browsing easy and flexible.Mobile web design should be more simple apart from the traditional one.The key areas of focus while mobile web design are:
* Screen Resolution.
* Full website viewing option.
* Implementing proper navigation.
* No refreshing option.
* Enabling text links.

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