Hi! An issue I'm having is using CSS's font-family code to change the font of my website's text. However, the issue is that the font I need is not native to Windows. I know I could download the font and view it like that. But this is of course not a valid solution for my viewers. Is there any way I can include a font package on my server so that all viewers regardless of OS or having the font can view the font I choose? Any help would be great! Thanks.

check out google webfonts for the solution, they have implemented a pretty good system that works,
you can do it yourself,
BUT, big but,,
do you want to add between 15 and 90 seconds to download page times,
If you use google, there is a pretty good chance that the font you want will be DL by another google user/designer, like all the javascript library, and you wont get apparant downlodelays, as the font will be in TIF


Perfect, thank you so much!

Good to know.

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