Two weeks ago, my Internet Explorer 9 started behaving badly. It shows some images as colored boxes, drop down menus and check boxes on the webpage don't show at all. I uninstalled IE9 (via the Feature option) and reinstalled from scratch, but the behavior is the same. I have checked all the Microsoft sites for information and followed their advice. Web searches for information don't seem to record this problem.

I am running Win7 on Parallels 7 on Mac OS 5.8 and the combination has worked fine for years.
I hope DaniWeb can help. I am not a developer, but I am tech savvy.

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Internet Explorer 9 does not display images, icons

I have IE9 on Window 7 and there's no issue with that.

Try changing the GPU rendering.

Start Internet Explorer 9.
Click Internet Options on the Tools menu. Note If the Tools menu is not displayed, press ALT to display the Tools menu.
Click the Advanced tab, and then browse to the Accelerated graphics section.
Click to select the Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering check box.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
Close all open Internet Explorer 9 windows, and then restart Internet Explorer 9.
View the webpage in Internet Explorer 9.

and read this for more details:

That fixed it immediately. Many thanks Mitch. Great information to have. No-one on our tech staff in a very large company had thought of your solution.

I then upgraded the Mac to Mountain Lion, Parallels 7 to the latest build, and switched back to GPU rendering. I assume the upgrades added newer drivers. Thanks again.

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