How do you make a link by a button field.
I don't need to ordinary image link or button.
But a field (in dreamweaver green transparent) where u can put up coördinates where it belong to with a link to an other page. When to user click on that side of the page it will goes to another part of the page or another page like a link.

Can someone help me with this ?

Member Avatar for LastMitch


How do you make a link by a button field.
I don't need to ordinary image link or button.
But a field (in dreamweaver green transparent) where u can put up coördinates where it belong to with a link to an other page. When to user click on that side of the page it will goes to another part of the page or another page like a link.

Can you provide a code so we can understand you better?

I don't know the code that's why I want to know right now.

Your question is not very clear, at least not to me. You want to create a button that acts like a link? If so, that is just a styling thing.

What do you mean by all of this?

But a field (in dreamweaver green transparent) where u can put up coördinates where it belong to with a link to an other page. When to user click on that side of the page it will goes to another part of the page or another page like a link.

If you are just looking for a hyperlink to look like a button, here is one example...

<!DOCTYPE html>
a {
  border:2px solid #7F7F7F;
  box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #7f7F7F;
a:hover {


  <a href="#">Click Me!</a>


Well, u made by photoshop an image where u designed a button. But I need like an area that covers the button on image and when the user click on that specific area of your image or area of your page and it will go to another page.

I found it:

<map name="Map" id="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="182,194,341,320" href="#" />

thanks xd

Yeah just make an image map, Or I suppose you could use a block? Depends on what you want the button to look like, and how big

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