I have a client who hired me to re-design his DJ site. He is adding venue pages for all the places he entertains - ok so far. When we discussed this page early on, he said he wanted to add "some pictures" of all the different venues. No problem. Each venue will have a different page, so that will allow me to have the pictures split out on all the different pages - 1 page per venue.
He tells me tonight, 2 weeks from go-live, that there's a little more than 4,000 pictures of all the places he wants to add! I tried to explain web page "weight" etc - also suggested he pick the "top 10" for each place - he just doesn't get it. He wants to add them all....
Are there free picture sites (like flickr or something) where you can "embed" the photos on the site?
Honestly, I don't know where to turn with this one - do I add thumbnails on the pages, with pop-out larger pictures? Will be a TON of work to do all the coding for so many pictures.
Suggestions? Thanks in advance!