In this example how do I reduce the spacing (please refer the image)




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="Slider.css">
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.0-packed.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="helper-plugins/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="helper-plugins/jquery.touchSwipe.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="helper-plugins/jquery.transit.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="helper-plugins/"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
            $(function() {

                //  Basic carousel, no options

                //  Basic carousel + timer, using CSS-transitions
                    auto: {
                        pauseOnHover: 'resume',
                        progress: '#timer1'
                }, {
                    transition: true

                //  Scrolled by user interaction
                    auto: false,
                    prev: '#prev2',
                    next: '#next2',
                    pagination: "#pager2",
                    mousewheel: true,
                    swipe: {
                        onMouse: true,
                        onTouch: true

                //  Variable number of visible items with variable sizes
                    width: 360,
                    height: 'auto',
                    prev: '#prev3',
                    next: '#next3',
                    auto: false

                //  Responsive layout, resizing the items
                    responsive: true,
                    width: '100%',
                    scroll: 2,
                    items: {
                        width: 400,
                    //  height: '30%',  //  optionally resize item-height
                        visible: {
                            min: 2,
                            max: 6

                //  Fuild layout, centering the items
                    width: '100%',
                    scroll: 2



    <td id="tb1" class="clearfix">
                <a id="prev2" class="button" href="#"></a>                </td>
    <td id="tb2" class="list_carousel">
                <div id="foo2">
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
                    <div id="ul" ></div>
    <td id="tb1" class="clearfix">
      <a id="next2" class="button" href="#"></a>

        <br />


body, div, p {
                font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana;

            #prev2 {

    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    position: relative;
    text-decoration: none;

#prev2:before, #prev2:after {
    display: block;
    height: 8px;
    margin-top: -6px;
    position: absolute;
    -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(45deg);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
    transform: rotate(45deg);
    right: 9px;
    top: 50%;
    width: 0;

#prev2:after {
    margin-top: -1px;
    -moz-transform: rotate(135deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(135deg);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(135deg);
    transform: rotate(135deg);

#prev2:hover, #prev2:focus,
#prev2:hover:before, #prev2:hover:after,
#prev2:focus:before, #prev2:focus:after {
    color: #000;

            a {

    display: inline-block;
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 10px 25px 10px 10px;
    position: relative;
    text-decoration: none;

a:before, a:after {
    border-right: 2px solid;
    content: '';
    display: block;
    height: 8px;
    margin-top: -6px;
    position: absolute;
    -moz-transform: rotate(135deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(135deg);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(135deg);
    transform: rotate(135deg);
    right: 9px;
    top: 50%;
    width: 0;

a:after {
    margin-top: -1px;
    -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(45deg);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
    transform: rotate(45deg);

a:hover, a:focus,
a:hover:before, a:hover:after,
a:focus:before, a:focus:after {
    color: #000;

            .list_carousel #ul {

                border: 1px solid #999;
                width: 135px;
                height: 135px;
                margin: 22px;
                display: block;
                float: left;

            #tb1 {

            #tb2 {
            .clearfix {
                float: none;
                clear: both;
            .button {
                float: left;
                margin-left: 10px;
                font-size: 15px;
                font-family: Arial;
                color: #ffffff;
                font-size: 35px;
                padding: 10px;
                text-decoration: none;
                -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
                -moz-border-radius: 3px;
                border-radius: 3px;
                -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #666666;
                -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #666666;
                box-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #666666;
                text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #666666;
                background: #696969;

            .button:hover {
                background: #7a797a;

            .timer {
                background-color: #999;
                height: 6px;
                width: 0px;
Member Avatar for stbuchok

My guess would be line 86 of your CSS. It would be easier to tell you if you had an example online.

I took a look at your code. It appears that you have a table that holds the "prev" icon in the first column, your content in the second, and the "fwd" icon in the third.

The width of the second column is what is creating this extra space. You currently have these cells to a width of 815px;

For example, set #tb2 to a width of say 750px and you will see the "fwd" icon move to the left.

#tb2 {

Also, I noticed that you have ID "tb1" used twice (lines 79 & 97) in your HTML code. Technically, you should change that to a class.

In your CSS code, you would change it to .tb1 and your HTML would be...
<td class="tb1 clearfix">

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