Hey guys working on a Webpage for class and I wanted to add a companies facebook feed to the site. I generate the code under the devolpers site and insert the Iframe code into my website. When I open the Webpage, and with in the Likebox the webpage that tells you that "you have no internet connection shows up" is this just a bug because its not a live website at the moment or what im not sure.

any help or ideas why would appriciated.


is this just a bug

When you run this site, within the page, the browser is trying to download data from the source. Could it be that you are running this from within the development IDE application? Have you tried to upload your site to a web server that is online?

ya see i Havent tried uploading it to a server. I didnt know if that was the problem or what Ill give it a shot in a couple days. Thanks for the response

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