Hello I have made a website for a cake making business and its my first website I am making for a customer and would like some input from some outsiders. I have only made the home page because I am not sure about my layout and if it looks good. Please comment any changes I could do to make the web page better looking or tell me if you think its suitable for a cake making website. I can handle criticism so don't be afraid to hurt my feelings lol. Here is a picture of the home page. The images are slide shows and change pictures every 5 seconds.
garyjohnson 14 Junior Poster
<M/> 170 Why so serious? Featured Poster
garyjohnson 14 Junior Poster

garyjohnson 14 Junior Poster

<M/> 170 Why so serious? Featured Poster
Assembly Guy 72 Posting Whiz
BMXDad 23 Newbie Poster
TonyG_cyprus 36 Newbie Poster
EvolutionFallen 107 Junior Poster
josverhoeff 6 Newbie Poster
BMXDad 23 Newbie Poster
garyjohnson 14 Junior Poster
Lincoln65 0 Newbie Poster
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