I'm trying to build a website with Weebly. I am currently searching the web far and wide to try to figure out how to create a sticky navigation bar and insert it into the style sheet, but everything I try won't work. I have a website header with the logo, and then below that is a separate table with the navigation. It either stays in the place it is with a big space between it and the top, or it stays at the top but some of the header is hidden. Also, when one scrolls, it appears behind the text and content. Any fix for my problems? Help!

How can anyone help you if you have t provided any code or the link to the site?

Oh, ok! Here's the link. This site is the replacement for an old site, so it's still as a Weebly page. 3skatter-concept.weebly.com

So I'm trying to figure out what the issue is on your site based on your description and nothing seems to be obvious.

Is the problem on http://3skatter-concept.weebly.com/ or http://3skatterpe.com/?

Can you be more specific about the issue? show a picture or something... This is what I see from the link you provided... I see the header, logo and nav... no space that I can see.

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