i have a header.jsp file with the following div tag:

<%@ page language="java" isELIgnored="false" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
<jsp:directive.include file="/WEB-INF/sitemesh-decorators/include.jsp"/>
<fmt:setBundle basename="bundles.application-resources"/>

<div id="header">
    <h1><fmt:message key="application.title"/></h1>    
<div id="message"></div>

<div id="login" ><jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/sitemesh-common/login.jsp" /></div> 

and my css file as follows:

#header{solid #999;margin-bottom:10px;float:top left;min-width:960px;
    background: transparent url('../pharmacy.jpg') no-repeat;}

#message{margin-bottom:10px;float:top right;min-width:960px;
background: transparent url('../medecine.jpg')no-repeat;}


my problem is i have an image in #header and another image in #message. i want both to be on the same level but one on the right and the other one on the left. the position of the image in #header is good. but in #message, it's not good. it's not on the same level.anyone can tell me how to solve this?

There seems to be some property and value issues with your code above. For example, your #header starts with a sting of "solid #999". That isnt a property so what are you trying to do there? Also with the floats, i am familiar with the propert and the values of left and right. You are using top..I dont beleive that is a valid value for float. You've also added a min-width so be aware if there isnt enough room (assuming you used float properly), that the other div will move below, but to the right.

sorry the solid is not in the code. i forgot to remove it. i did not understand the min-width.can you explain it properly? thanks :)

I manage to make both image appearing. but i need to insert a text in the div tag subhead!!

#header{width:60%; float:left; margin-bottom:10px; 
background: transparent url('../images/pharmacy') no-repeat;}

#subHead{  width:40%; float:right; margin-bottom:10px; height:55px; 

background: transparent url('../images/medcine.jpg')  no-repeat;}

<%@ page language="java" isELIgnored="false" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
<jsp:directive.include file="/WEB-INF/sitemesh-decorators/include.jsp"/>
<fmt:setBundle basename="bundles.application-resources"/>

    <div id="header" >
        <h1 class="headerTitle"><fmt:message key="application.title"/></h1>    

    <div id="subHead"><h3>a</h3></div>

    <div id="login" style="width:100%"><jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/sitemesh-common/login.jsp" /></div> 

I want the image to be displayed without entering text in the div tag!

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