Hello everyone,
This is my first week in a new language and I am having trouble with html5. Here is the question and then I will post my code. I need create an autocomplet input element with an assciated datalist that contains the days of the week. I have everything the way it needs to be but for some reason I am not getting my dropdown list of all of the week days. I need to be able to start typing in a day of the week and have it pop up in a drop down list to select from. Can anyone help me with my code for this to happen? Thank you in advance.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--3.8 Solution -->
meta charset="uft-8">
<title>Homework 1</title>
<h1>Enter A Day of the Week</h1>
<!-- turn autocmplete on -->
<form metod = "post" autocomplete = "on">
<p><label for = "txtList" >Day:
placeholder = "Day of the Week" list = "days" />
<datalist id = "days">
<option value = "Sunday">
<option value = "Monday">
<option value = "Tuesday">
<option value = "Wednesday">
<option value = "Thursday">
<option value = "Friday">
<option value = "Saturday">
<p><input type = "submit" value = "Submit" />
<input type = "reset" value = "Clear" /></p>