I can't seem to find the answer, but I'm sure it's simple.

I have a select drop down in a form and when I select it, it will start at the very last value instead of the top.

How can I change this to start at the top instead or at least at the value when there is a value in the field?

Any help much appreciated.

Can you show an example of your code? Also, if you add the "selected" attribute, that value will be preselected.

 <option value="myValue" selected>My Value</option>

I get I can default the value, but when you drop down the list, the drop down list always goes to the bottom showing the value instead of highlighting it where it belongs in the list.

Using the example below, let's say the value is "(GMT 0:00) Western Europe Time, London, Casablanca"

When I drop down the list it will show

(GMT +12:00 hours) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji
(GMT 0:00) Western Europe Time, London, Casablanca

even though "(GMT 0:00) Western Europe Time, London, Casablanca" would normally be in the middle somewhere.

If the value is blank, it automatically puts me at the end of the list too.

Get what I mean?

<p align="right"><label for="timezone" class="select">Timezone: </label> </p></td>
<td><p align="left"><select name="timezone">
<option value="GMT -12:00 hours" >(GMT -12:00 hours) Eniwetok, Kwajalein</option>
<option value="GMT -11:00 hours" >(GMT -11:00 hours) Midway Island, Samoa</option>
<option value="GMT -10:00 hours" >(GMT -10:00 hours) Hawaii</option>
<option value="GMT -9:00 hours" >(GMT -9:00 hours) Alaska</option>
<option value="GMT -8:00 hours" >(GMT -8:00 hours) Pacific Time (US & Canada)</option>
<option value="GMT -7:00 hours" >(GMT -7:00 hours) Mountain Time (US & Canada)</option>
<option value="GMT -6:00 hours" >(GMT -6:00 hours) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City</option>
<option value="GMT -5:00 hours" >(GMT -5:00 hours) Eastern Time (US & Canada)</option>
<option value="GMT -4:00 hours" >(GMT -4:00 hours) Atlantic Time (Canada)</option>
<option value="GMT -3:30 hours" >(GMT -3:30 hours) Newfoundland</option>
<option value="GMT -3:00 hours" >(GMT -3:00 hours) Brazil, Buenos Aires</option>
<option value="GMT -2:00 hours" >(GMT -2:00 hours) Mid-Atlantic</option>
<option value="GMT -1:00 hours" >(GMT -1:00 hours) Azores, Cape Verde Islands</option>
<option value="GMT 0:00 hours" >(GMT 0:00) Western Europe Time, London, Casablanca</option>
<option value="GMT +1:00 hours" >(GMT +1:00 hours) CET(Central Europe Time), Brussels, Paris</option>
<option value="GMT +2:00 hours" >(GMT +2:00 hours) EET(Eastern Europe Time), South Africa</option>
<option value="GMT +3:00 hours" >(GMT +3:00 hours) Kuwait, Moscow, St. Petersburg</option>
<option value="GMT +3:30 hours" >(GMT +3:30 hours) Tehran</option>
<option value="GMT +4:00 hours" >(GMT +4:00 hours) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi</option>
<option value="GMT +4:30 hours" >(GMT +4:30 hours) Kabul</option>
<option value="GMT +5:00 hours" >(GMT +5:00 hours) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi</option>
<option value="GMT +5:30 hours" >(GMT +5:30 hours) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi</option>
<option value="GMT +6:00 hours" >(GMT +6:00 hours) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo</option>
<option value="GMT +7:00 hours" >(GMT +7:00 hours) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</option>
<option value="GMT +8:00 hours" >(GMT +8:00 hours) Beijing, Singapore, Hong Kong</option>
<option value="GMT +9:00 hours" >(GMT +9:00 hours) Tokyo, Seoul</option>
<option value="GMT +9:30 hours" >(GMT +9:30 hours) Adelaide, Darwin</option>
<option value="GMT +10:00 hours" >(GMT +10:00 hours) EAST(East Australian Standard), Guam</option>
<option value="GMT +11:00 hours" >(GMT +11:00 hours) Magadan, Solomon Islands</option>
<option value="GMT +12:00 hours" >(GMT +12:00 hours) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji</option>
<option selected><?php echo $timezone; ?></option>

the last item is 'selected':: the last item will be selected when the drop down list receives focus
put the selected option first and the first item will be selected when the list receives focus, & will start at the top,
put the selected item in the middle and the list will have both up and down options
I would use a more explanatory code at the top
<option value="" selected='selected'>currently <?php echo $timezone; ?>, click to alter</option>

if you want the selected value to display in the code at its proper position in the list of options
kill off the current line 33 and alter each of the other lines to something like
<option <?php if($timezone=="GMT +4:00 hours"){echo ' selected ';} ?> value="GMT +4:00 hours" >(GMT +4:00 hours) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi</option>

I dont know what you plan to be doing with the code, but it would make calculations simpler if the values of the select were strictly numeric, from +12.0 to -12.0, when you need to print out times relative to servers etc later, then the value will not need to be strtotime() saving processing
you can still human readable the data as simply
echo 'you are located in timezone '.$timezone;
is as easy as
echo ' you are located in timezone GMT '.$timezone.' hours';
and something like
the time in your location is'.time()+$timezone;
code scraps not examined for accuracy

Duh it was as simple as where I had the default selection lol Thanks :)

Also thanks for the time on the data. I just snagged this list online so I didn't have to type it all out. I still have to rework the values a bit.

For instance, too, if I setup the values properly, I should be able to auto calculate dates based on people's time zones very easily, but that's for a later date! :) Just starting a new project here so those touches will come later.

Thanks again!

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