I want to add the page view gadget to my website as available in the Blogger.
but I am not using the Blogger so what will be the code to check the Page View of my website...
I like to add this gadget in the Homepage at the bottom...
So please reply if you know.
You can also reply for other gadget I have to put in my website for better look.
check out the website and then response me what type of gadget I should place and what is the code

@Deep Modi- the link you provided results in a page not found (404 error).

Sorry to say,
But I change the link somewhat for some reason.
new Link here

Ok, i see. you added the flagcounter component on the page. Looks good, small and clean. did you have another question related to that or is that working out for you?

Is this going to work with all pages on it so?
I mean with sub pages?

I mean with sub pages?

You would have to have the flagcounter related code on each of your pages that you wish to track visitors on. This is because this code will only be executed once the visitor hits the page. If you access a page where this counter (or any other counter) is not present, then there is no tracking of the user.

If you are interested in even more information, you may consider using Google Analytics. By placing the javascript that they provide in your pages, you can access their dashboard and get all sorts of information about your users such as where they are from, what pages were accessed on your site most, what browsers where used to access your page, etc..

commented: Thanks +3

yeah i know that i can use the google analytic,
but the problem is that I am the free user for weebly so they hide it so on the stats menu. (but this will be seen by me only)

While i am in search for: When Someone is going to visit my website (any pages from my site) then he should be tracked. (country) and pageview...
and this should be visible to all user...
Thank you for your good response, but i want some more info ~ JorgeM

I have to change my website name and link: because of some reason (Rules and Regulation)
So I kept my website name and link as follow:
Name: Deep Info Sharing
website: http://deepinfosharing.weebly.com/

I know I should not change the name and link ,
But I also have to pay attention to the Rules and Regulation.
I can not keep the old name without registration so I have to change it....

If you are having the good website name and link to suggest me then please suggest me good name with link... (Educational + Software: website)

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