Good Morning All,
It has been quite some time since I've been here, but I had something pointed out to me that I haven't been able to resolve on my own yet, so I'm bringing it to the community of experts to hopefully head me in the right direction.
my website : has an issue based on the size of the monitor it is being displayed on (probably not the only issue)
I can correct the issue by simply using the ctrl- or ctrl+ to adjust it, and everything works fine, but that isn't something that I can convey to the visitors. A couple of our dealers have raised a concern over thing oversight of mine.
I'm not really into web design as much as I am into making the back end work the way it is supposed to, so please be kind in your comments.
Anyway, if you visit the site, and do the ctrl- or ctrl+ you will see what the issue is, the graphics that I have set in the right and left gutters, using CSS for positioning overlay the body of the webpage, making it difficult to impossible for people to navigate properly.
What can I do to present the pages as they should be no matter what size monitor they are being viewed on??
If this question is too vague, please let me know what you need to see, and I'll be happy to post it.
Thank you in advance for your time and direction with this.