I want to learn web design. As far as I Know the first step is to learn HTML. I hope I will learn this in this community.
Want to learn from all of my friends here.

Yes, if you want to learn about web design and web development, I'd recommend you start with HTML.

Hi! What do you want to learn basic HTML. At first take basic Knowledge about HTML. Fisrt time learn PSD to HTML. Then you start to learn HTML tag. Ok try you.

Your first stop should be Photoshop and PSD like harun20 mentioned above, this will definitely help you start designing from scratch and turn the design into a theme/template for future use on a website (Google can be of great help here).

I would also recommend the book found on this link, http://www.learningwebdesign.com/, to help you start-up, and of course, the famous http://www.w3schools.com/ to learn html and related stuffs.

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Please ignore the advice about PSDs. Learn html5 first, get a feel for tags and what they're used for. Investigate properties and attributes of these tags too. I am not a great fan of w3schools, but they do have a decent enough section of html tags and properties/attributes.

You may notice that some tags (or attributes/properties) do not "work" or are not supported by certain browsers. Therefore, it is advised that you keep a variety of browsers installed on your computer in order to check for inconsistencies.

In addition to checking out the markup, you'll need a text editor or an "IDE". While you can use Notepad (if you're on Windows), it's pretty lame. Check out free programs like Notepad++, Bluefish, Sublime2 and countless others. These have added functionality such as error highlighting, autocompletion, code hinting. Some even have "prettifiers", which automatically indent markup and "validators", which tell you what a sloppy, slapdash html-er you are :)

Once you get to grips with html, you can start building up your skills with CSS and possibly javascript.

Yes, I suggest you to learn Html then CSS and after that go for a server side language like PHP or ASP etc. Here is a basic HTML tutorial site for you.

->Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites
->The different areas of web design include
1.web graphic design
2.interface design
4.including standardised code and proprietary softwaren user experience design and search engine optimization

The term web design is normally used to describe the design process relating to the front-end (client side) design of a website including writing mark up

My suggestion is to understand first (DOM)

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents. The nodes of every document are organized in a tree structure, called the DOM tree. Objects in the DOM tree may be addressed and manipulated by using methods on the objects.

Web design includes the usage of Photoshop to create the mockup and design of the whole web page layout. HTMl is used to organize content, CSS to style the content, and jQuery to add interactivity to the webpage. Apart from these technologies, Flash is used to add video and audio to the webpages.

i think you can start with HTML and CSS, then you can learn adobe firewok,photoshops and the likes for the graphic...

commented: Totally pointless post -3

find sams teach yourself html & css in 5 minutes very easy to ready book that gives u little bit about everything. there are many torrents available where u can download the book. if u cant find the torrent then i suggest w3schools

Agree that you learn HTML, CSS and possibly DOM before you mess with Photoshop, etc. Also, programs like Dreamweaver and others allow you to view HTML code side-by-side with a visual preview of what the HTML is doing. For someone with a graphics background like I had, this made it easier to grasp.

Oh yea codevzv, that timeline graphic isn't at ALL confusing for a beginner ;-P

When I started out I began with basic HTML, then moved to CSS. Then I began learning the newest version of both.

I would recomend learning DOM like some of the other commenters have sugjested.

Here are some books that I would reccomend for you:
- HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett
- Head First HTML and CSS by Elisabeth Robson, Eric Freeman
- HTML5: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald
- HTML & CSS: A Beginner's Guide by Mitesh Dabhi
- HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition by Elizabeth Castro
- CSS3: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland
- DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model by Jeremy Keith & Jeffrey Sambells

You can find all of these books on Amazon for not to much. I own over half of these books and as someone with a learning disability I can say that they are all well written and have several examples. As books in web design and programming go I would generally recomend the Missing Manual series, Visual Quick Start books are really great, Head Frist are overy simplafied but if that is what you need then I would reccomend that, the O'Reily series is really great but more advanced, The cookbook codding books are also great but more advanced.

I would also reccomend doing the http://www.w3schools.com/ tutorials. These are very good in helping.

After you have the coding process down I would reccomend working on some imaging.

You dont need to purchase Photoshop in order to learn how to edit photos. I would reccomend getting the far less exspensive photo editting program GIMP. You can find it at http://www.gimp.org/ . You can find tutorials at http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ and at http://gimp-tutorials.net/ .

I would also recomend getting these books:
- Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design by Brian Miller
- The Principles of Beautiful Web Design Paperback – December 5, 2010
by Jason Beaird
- Web Designer's Idea Book, Volume 4: Inspiration from the Best Web Design Trends, Themes and Styles by Patrick McNeil
- Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills by David Sherwin
- Learning Responsive Web Design: A Beginner's Guide by Clarissa Peterson
- The Strategic Web Designer: How to Confidently Navigate the Web Design Process by Christopher Butler

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Please avoid posting same answer over and over in different threads. Thank you.

many many thanks everyone ! I am now having basic and advanced control regarding these thing . You guys gave me most important suggeestion . I have improve myself.

It will take you half of life to read these suggestions and then start learning.But these are infact valuable suggestions.Read them first and then start your journey.

You can search on google to find several good html titorials.

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