I saw a post from a few years ago on how to load fonts into my server and imbed them so that other viewers can see them. There was a code given that was @font-face {
font-family: yourfont;
src: url('yourfont.ttf');
} Do I put this code into the CSS portion of my document? I don't know where to put it.

Yes, that is CSS that you would put in your stylesheet preferably. It can go into the head of your document, but it's not really suggested.

Here is a pretty good blog article on using custom fonts

Thanks a lot, very helpful.

Yes, you can put this code in your stylesheet or CSS document. Then you can use font-family : yourfont; to your posts or articles.

Also, don't forget to look at Google Fonts!

They make insterting fonts easy, and theres a massive selection of all types of fonts.

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