I needn't even explain it, look it up. You needn't to click anything, just zoom-in 10%, then zoom out as far as you can, and notice how table cell and a div, go full on agression.

View website itself under 5millionpixels-##.comlu.com, (no I'm not a bot, but files are PHP, and you won't probably enjoy watching them). The ## in the link, replace them with two letters in DaniWeb that are closest to being capitalized. Just two letters. If you're willing to help, I've also included entire folder (deleted lots of pictures, uploaded files can be 1MB maximally). The password to the .zip file is the same as the ## cryptic signs, lowercase. Please do not share those.

Can someone tell where I went wrong? If your first assumption is that I used vw instead of em. Well, I used em first, hoped that vw would fix the situation, but it didn't. You might notice lots of errors from hosting company (2 errors), but the same problem was on my own machine. There are also two files missing, ajax.js and handheld.css, they're of no use, because again, they don't affect the problem nor trigger it.

Tested on both Chrome and Opera.

Related to picture below. It should be around 350px by 500px (not sure, since I'm using responsive measurements.


Apparently it doesn't like when <div> is given height. When I scroll in or out, the height seems to be multiplying.

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